Kitchen Cabinet Painting

What Do Professional Painters Use to Paint Kitchen Cabinets?

Regarding what professional painters use to paint kitchen cabinets, some techniques and materials ensure a high-quality finish. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of cabinet painting and reveal the secrets behind achieving flawless results.

We’ll discuss how professionals use high-quality lacquer for cabinet painting and the importance of removing hardware and masking surfaces. You’ll also learn about primers designed specifically for cabinetry applications, which help fill grain and block stains.

Furthermore, we will explore the differences between enamel vs. latex/oil-based paints when selecting products formulated for cabinets. We’ll examine drying times, moisture resistance, timeless colors selection, and semi-gloss finishes that complement countertops & kitchen design while being easy to clean.

In addition to materials used by professionals when addressing what professional painters use to paint kitchen cabinets, you will discover specialized tools & techniques, such as square brushes for precision painting and avoiding sprayed-on finishes.

Last but not least, we’ll provide insights on DIY cabinet painting costs & time investment and tips on properly labeling components during disassembly. Plus, expert advice on dealing with open-grained wood or peeling paint issues before commencing your project!

Table of Contents:

Cabinet Painting with High-Quality Lacquer

Professional painters often use high-quality lacquer for cabinet painting to ensure a smooth and durable finish. This process involves removing all hardware from the cabinets, masking off areas not intended for painting, and scuffing every surface with sandpaper or a foam sanding block.

Removing Hardware and Masking Surfaces

To achieve a professional finish when painting kitchen cabinets, removing all hardware, such as handles, knobs, and hinges, is essential before starting the paint job. Doing so ensures that no paint gets on these components during the process. Additionally, painters will mask off countertops, appliances, walls, and other surfaces not meant to be painted using painter’s tape or plastic sheeting.

Scuffing Surfaces for Proper Adhesion

  • Sanding: Before applying any primer or paint to your kitchen cabinet’s wood surfaces (or laminate surface), they must be lightly sanded down using fine-grit sandpaper or a foam sanding block. This step helps create an even texture to which new layers of paint can adhere properly.
  • Degreasing: After sanding is complete but before applying any primer or paint products onto your cabinet doors & drawer fronts, it’s crucial first to clean them thoroughly by wiping away dust particles left behind after light sanding, then degreasing their surfaces if necessary, especially if grease has built up over time due cooking activities nearby. You may use warm water mixed together witha mild dish soap solution applied via a soft cloth rag dampened slightly beforehand; alternatively, commercial-grade degreasers specifically targeting kitchen-related grime buildup can also be utilized here well.

Following these steps will create a smoother finish and ensure the paint dries evenly on your cabinet boxes and doors. This attention to detail sets professional painters apart from DIY paint jobs, resulting in a complete kitchen remodel that looks polished and lasts for years.

The use of high-quality lacquer is essential to achieving a professional, long-lasting finish on kitchen cabinets. To ensure the best results, selecting primers designed specifically for cabinetry applications will provide superior adhesion, and protection from stains and moisture is important.

Key Takeaway: Professional painters use high-quality lacquer to ensure a smooth and durable finish when painting kitchen cabinets. This includes removing all hardware, masking off areas not intended for painting, sanding surfaces to create an even texture for proper adhesion, and degreasing the surface before applying primer or paint products. All these steps result in a polished look that will last long into the future.

Primers Designed for Cabinetry Applications

Professional painters know the need to use a quality primer to attain an ideal outcome on kitchen cabinets. Heavy-bodied primers are specifically designed for cabinetry applications, filling 95% of the cabinet’s grain while providing excellent stain-blocking properties. This ensures that any imperfections or discolorations in the wood are concealed before applying paint.

Filling Grain and Blocking Stains

Heavy-bodied primers are essential when painting kitchen cabinets, especially those made from open-grained wood like oak or ash. These types of woods have prominent grain patterns that can show through standard latex paints, resulting in an uneven appearance. By filling most of the grain with a specialized primer, professional painters create a smoother surface for paint application and ensure consistent coverage across all surfaces.

Sanding Between Primer Coats

To further enhance adhesion and smoothness, it’s crucial to sand flat surfaces between coats of primer lightly. Using 220-grit paper allows professionals to remove any minor imperfections without damaging the existing finish beneath it, ensuring optimal results during subsequent painting stages.

  • Step 1: Apply one coat of heavy-bodied primer to clean and dry cabinet doors and frames using a synthetic bristle brush or paint sprayer.
  • Step 2: Allow adequate drying time per manufacturer recommendations (typically overnight).
  • Step 3: Perform light sanding with 220-grit paper on flat surfaces such as drawer fronts and cabinet boxes; this helps promote better adhesion between layers and creates a smoother finish.
  • Step 4: Remove any sanding dust with a tack cloth or vacuum cleaner before applying the next coat of primer or paint.

In addition to using high-quality primers and proper sanding techniques, professional painters also take care to protect surrounding surfaces from accidental drips or spills. This includes masking off countertops, appliances, and other areas not intended for painting, ensuring that your kitchen remains clean and damage-free.

Primers designed for cabinetry applications are essential in achieving a quality, long-lasting finish on kitchen cabinets. With that said, selecting the right enamel paint is equally important to ensure optimal results.

Key Takeaway: As a professional painter with an eye for detail, I always make sure to use heavy-bodied primers designed specifically for cabinetry applications. This ensures that the grain is filled and any discolorations are blocked before applying paint. Furthermore, I also perform light sanding between coats of primer and mask off other surfaces in order to ensure a flawless finish without any mess or damage.

Selecting Enamel Paints Formulated for Cabinets

Enamel paints specially formulated for cabinetry offer improved durability compared to standard latex or oil-based products. Both types can be used depending on personal preference and desired finish characteristics such as drying time or moisture resistance. When choosing the right paint, it is essential to consider factors like ease of application, cleanability, and overall appearance.

Comparing enamel vs. latex/oil-based paints

  • Enamel: These paints are known for their hard-wearing properties and excellent adhesion, making them ideal for kitchen cabinets with a lot of use. They provide a smooth finish with minimal brush strokes visible once dried. Some popular brands include Sherwin-Williams ProClassic and Benjamin Moore Advance.
  • Latex: Latex paints are water-based and generally easier to work with than oil-based options due to faster drying times and easy soap-and-water cleanup. However, they may not provide the same level of durability as their enamel counterparts when it comes to painting kitchen cabinets.
  • Oil-Based: Oil-based paints have been traditionally favored by professional painters due to their long-lasting finishes but require more extensive preparation steps, like using an oil-based primer before applying paint layers. Additionally, these products often produce strong odors during application which some homeowners find off-putting.

Evaluating drying times and moisture resistance

When selecting the right paint for your cabinets, consider factors like drying time and moisture resistance. Enamel paints dry more slowly than latex options but provide a smoother finish that resists chipping or peeling over time. Latex paints can be beneficial if you finish them quickly, as they dry more rapidly than other options.

Moisture resistance is another critical factor when painting kitchen cabinets since they are often exposed to steam, spills, and humidity. High-quality enamel or oil-based products offer better protection against these elements than standard latex paints.

In summary, selecting the appropriate paint type for your cabinet project will depend on personal preferences and factors such as durability requirements and desired finish characteristics. Before choosing between enamel and latex/oil-based paints, it is important to consider their respective strengths and weaknesses.

When selecting enamel paints for cabinets, it is important to compare the differences between latex/oil-based and enamel options to determine which will provide the best results. Moving on, choosing timeless colors and semi-gloss finishes can help create a kitchen design that complements countertops while providing an easy-to-clean surface.

Key Takeaway: Professional painters often turn to enamel paints specially formulated for cabinetry due to their hard-wearing properties and excellent adhesion. These products offer a smooth finish with minimal brush strokes, better moisture resistance than latexoil-based options, and slower drying times. When selecting a product, it’s wise to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Choosing Timeless Colors & Semi-Gloss Finishes

When it comes to painting kitchen cabinets, selecting the proper color and finish is paramount for obtaining a polished look that will persist. By choosing timeless neutrals or trending shades that complement existing countertops and other elements within your space, you can create a cohesive design aesthetic while ensuring your newly painted cabinets remain stylish for years.

Complementing Countertops & Kitchen Design

To achieve a harmonious balance in your kitchen, consider colors that work well with your current countertop materials, flooring, and appliances. For example, if you have dark granite countertops, lighter cabinet colors like cream or white can provide an appealing contrast. On the other hand, slate grey cabinets may be more suitable for kitchens with light-colored quartz or marble surfaces. To help visualize how different paint colors might look in your space before committing to a specific shade, use online tools such as Benjamin Moore’s Color A Room tool.

Easy-to-Clean Semi-Gloss Finishes

In addition to selecting the perfect color for your kitchen cabinets, choosing an appropriate paint finish is essential. One popular option among professional painters is semi-gloss enamel paints due to their durability and easy-to-clean properties, which are ideal for dealing with inevitable spills and splatters in busy kitchens. This type of finish offers an attractive sheen without being overly reflective, like high-gloss finishes, which can show imperfections more readily.

  • Latex Paints: Water-based latex paints are known for their quick drying times and low VOC content, making them eco-friendly. Conversely, oil-based paints offer increased durability and better moisture resistance than water-based ones.
  • Oil-Based Paints: Although slower to dry and containing higher levels of VOCs, oil-based paints provide a more durable finish that is less prone to chipping or peeling over time. They also offer better adhesion on surfaces like laminate or previously painted cabinets.

In conclusion, when painting kitchen cabinets, it’s crucial to choose colors that complement your existing design elements while opting for semi-gloss finishes that provide both durability and easy maintenance. By considering these factors in conjunction with the expertise of professional painters like Painter Pro, you can achieve a stunning kitchen transformation without needing a complete remodel.

When selecting colors and finishes for your kitchen cabinets, it’s important to choose timeless shades that will complement the overall design of your kitchen. Utilizing specialized tools and techniques can help you achieve a professional-looking finish on your cabinet doors.

Key Takeaway: By enlisting a knowledgeable painter, it is possible to drastically enhance the look of your kitchen without needing to completely renovate. To get the desired look and longevity, select timeless colors that match existing countertops and appliances, then finish off with semi-gloss paints for easy cleanability.

Utilizing Specialized Tools & Techniques

Professional painters use specialized tools and techniques to ensure precise results while avoiding common issues such as brush strokes or uneven coverage. These methods ensure the best possible results and help prevent common issues such as brush strokes or uneven coverage.

Square Brushes for Precision Painting

Rather than relying on traditional paint brushes, professional painters often opt for square brushes, which typically range between three to four inches wide. This brush gives greater precision when painting intricate panel designs on some cabinet doors. Square brushes are particularly effective at getting into tight corners and edges without leaving visible brush marks. Additionally, using high-quality synthetic bristle brushes can improve the finish by reducing the risk of stray hairs being left behind in the paint.

Avoiding Sprayed-On Finishes

While using a paint sprayer for your DIY cabinet painting project may be tempting, professionals generally discourage this method due to its potential drawbacks. Sprayed-on finishes can result in less precise coverage over complex panel designs and may lead to overspray onto surrounding surfaces if proper masking techniques aren’t employed.

In contrast, hand-painting with square brushes offers more control over where the paint goes while achieving a smoother finish than standard roller applications. Plus, taking your time during each step will yield better results that resemble those professional painters achieve.

  • TIP: If you decide to use a paint sprayer for your cabinets, take extra precautions like properly masking off areas not intended for painting and practicing your technique on a scrap piece of wood or cardboard before tackling the cabinets.

Utilizing specialized tools and techniques can help professional painters achieve a high-quality finish on kitchen cabinets. Investing in the right materials, as well as taking into account labor time and preparation, is essential for DIY cabinet painting projects to ensure successful results.

Key Takeaway: Professional painters use specialized tools such as square brushes to achieve a flawless finish on kitchen cabinets, avoiding the common issues that come with using traditional paintbrushes or sprayers. With precision and patience, professional results can be achieved in no time.

DIY Cabinet Painting Costs & Time Investment

Before taking on the project yourself, be sure to assess all costs and time investments associated with DIY cabinet painting. While a DIY paint job may save money upfront, there are several factors to consider before embarking on this task.

Estimated DIY Costs

  • Paint: Expect to spend between $50-$150 for the high-quality cabinet paint.
  • Primer: A good oil-based primer can cost around $20-$40 per gallon.
  • Sanding materials: You’ll need sandpaper or foam sanding blocks ranging from $10-$30, depending on the size of your kitchen cabinets.
  • Miscellaneous supplies: Tape, brushes, rollers, trays, drop cloths and other necessary tools will add $100-$200 to your budget.

In total, expect costs ranging from approximately $200 – $600 for a complete kitchen remodel using quality products that provide professional results. Remember that these estimates do not include any potential repairs or replacements needed during the process, such as damaged hardware or worn-out drawer slides, which could increase overall expenses further.

Labor Time and Preparation

Beyond material costs alone lies another significant factor: labor time required due diligence during each stage of painting kitchen cabinets. Proper preparation is key when attempting a successful DIY project like this; without thorough attention paid at every step (from removing doors/drawer fronts through reinstallation), achieving smooth finish with free brush strokes or other imperfections may prove challenging.

  1. Preparation: Removing hardware, cleaning surfaces, and masking off areas not intended for painting can take several hours to a full day, depending on the size of your kitchen.
  2. Sanding & Priming: Light sanding between coats of primer is essential for proper adhesion; expect this process to require at least one day’s labor time.
  3. Painting: Applying multiple coats of paint (with drying times in between) can add another two days to your project timeline. This step includes applying paint and allowing it sufficient time to dry before moving on with reassembly tasks such as reinstalling doors/drawer fronts or attaching new hardware if desired.

In total, anticipate dedicating at least three days’ worth of labor towards completing a DIY cabinet painting project from start to finish. Remember that these estimates assume no unexpected complications arise during any stage along the way, which could extend timelines further.

Tips for Success

To ensure optimal results when embarking upon this type of home improvement endeavor yourself, consider following some helpful tips provided by professional painters who specialize in transforming outdated cabinetry into fresh focal points within residential spaces:

  • Select high-quality products designed specifically for cabinets made from wood or laminate surface materials. Avoid using standard latex paints. Ill-suited durability demands posed by busy kitchens where moisture exposure frequently use a commonplace occurrence in daily life;

The expenditure and period necessary for painting cabinets on one’s own can fluctuate significantly depending on the scope of the job. Still, with proper preparation, it is achievable in a reasonable timeframe. Properly labeling components and addressing open-grained wood or peeling paint is essential for ensuring a successful outcome.

Key Takeaway: Professional painters use high-quality products specifically designed for kitchen cabinets made from wood or laminate surfaces. A DIY cabinet painting job requires a significant time and financial investment, with preparation, sanding and priming taking at least one day of labor followed by multiple coats of paint needing sufficient drying times in between. To ensure success when tackling this project yourself, it’s important to follow tips provided by experienced professionals.

Properly Labeling Components & Addressing Open-Grained Wood or Peeling Paint

When working on cabinet doors and drawers, it is essential to label each component carefully. This helps you keep track of the various parts and ensures that they are reassembled correctly after painting. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to properly label your cabinets:

  1. Create a numbering system: Assign a unique number to each cabinet door and drawer front.
  2. Mark the components: Use painter’s or masking tape to write the assigned numbers on each piece, making it visible even when disassembled.
  3. Maintain consistency: Stick with your numbering system throughout the project for easy reference during reassembly.

In addition to labeling, addressing open-grained wood or peeling paint is crucial before repainting kitchen cabinets. Failure to do so may result in an uneven finish free from defects such as premature peeling due to poor adhesion. Here are some tips for dealing with these issues effectively:

Dealing with Open-Grained Wood

  • Fill open grains using wood or grain filler, which will help create a smoother surface for painting.
  • Sand-filled areas lightly once dry, ensuring all excess filler has been removed and leaving behind an even surface ready for priming and painting. 

Tackling Peeling Paint

  • If the existing paint is peeling in large flakes (or contains lead), removal of these materials before repainting is necessary. Use a paint scraper or a heat gun to remove the old paint carefully.
  • Sand down rough edges: After removing peeling paint, sand the surface with medium-grit sandpaper (around 120 grit) to smooth out any remaining rough spots and create an even base for new paint. li>

    Taking care of these details will ensure that your freshly painted kitchen cabinets have a professional finish lasting years. Remember, proper preparation is key when achieving excellent results in any DIY project.

Key Takeaway: As a professional painter with an eye for detail, I know that it is essential to properly label components and address open-grained wood or peeling paint before starting any cabinet painting project. Spending the effort to correctly prep before beginning a cupboard painting project will guarantee an enduring, immaculate outcome.

FAQs in Relation to What Do Professional Painters Use to Paint Kitchen Cabinets

What do professional painters use to paint kitchen cabinets?

Depending on the desired finish, professional painters use various products to paint kitchen cabinets. Primer is used to prepare the surface and seal any wood grain or knots before painting. A high-quality latex or oil-based paints are applied in thin layers with a brush, roller, or spray gun for an even coat. A topcoat such as a varnish may be added for extra protection and shine. Pros make sure to tidy up after every job and guarantee that all surfaces are dry before putting on new layers of paint.

What do cabinet makers use to paint cabinets?

Cabinet makers typically use a combination of primer, paint, and top coat to ensure the highest quality finish on cabinets. Primer helps provide an even base for the paint to adhere properly and is often tinted with colorant to match or enhance the desired hue. Paint is then applied in thin coats until full coverage is achieved, followed by one or two layers of protective topcoat which seal in the color and provides a durable surface that resists wear and tear over time.

How do professional painters paint cabinet doors?

Professional painters begin by prepping the cabinet doors. This includes cleaning, sanding, and filling holes or imperfections with putty. After preparing the cabinet doors, a coat of primer is applied to guarantee that the paint will firmly stick to the surface. Then two coats of quality latex paint are applied in even strokes and allowed to dry between coats for best results. Finally, a protective layer such as polyurethane can be applied for additional durability.

What is the best type of paint to use for kitchen cabinets?

The best paint type for kitchen cabinets is a high-quality, oil-based enamel. This type of paint provides superior coverage and durability compared to other paints, making it ideal for kitchen cabinets. It also has excellent adhesion properties that help prevent chipping or peeling over time. Additionally, an oil-based enamel will provide a glossy finish with easy cleanup after painting. For optimal results, ensure you prepare the surface before applying the paint and follow all instructions carefully when using this product.


The answer to the question “Do professional painters use to paint kitchen cabinets?” is a resounding yes. Professional painters can create beautiful, long-lasting lacquer finishes for kitchen cabinets with the right primers, enamel paints, colors and semi-gloss finishes. They understand which primers work best with cabinetry applications. They select enamel paints formulated specifically for cabinets, choose timeless colors and semi-gloss finishes, and utilize specialized tools and techniques while avoiding DIY costs & time investments associated with cabinet painting projects. Moreover, they ensure proper labeling components & address open-grained wood or peeling paint issues as part of their services – all backed by industry-leading guarantees & free touch-up programs.

Let Painter Pro help you transform kitchen cabinets with our professional painting services. Our team of experts will provide the highest quality work and guarantee satisfaction for a job done right!

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