The Color of Your Room Has an Effect on Your Mood

The Color of Your Room Has an Effect on Your Mood

You may not be aware of this, but the color of your room actually has an effect on your mood. When you were choosing colors for the various rooms in your home, you may have just chosen based on aesthetic appeal. There are actually various reasons why you may want to choose one color over another, though. If you use the right colors for your bedroom, then it will have the potential of helping you to relax and may lead to better sleep.

To understand this better, you should take a look at the information below. You can learn about the different effects that certain colors are going to have on your mood. This information should prove to be useful and you may even want to consider changing things up in your house.


Red is the most intense room color that you could possibly choose. If you want for a room to have very high energy, then choosing red paint is going to be a good idea. The color red has the ability to raise excitement levels and has even been shown to raise blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration speed. This color works well in rooms where you want to promote conversation and liveliness.


Blue is pretty much the exact opposite of red in terms of how it impacts your overall mood. This color is capable of lowering your blood pressure, slowing your respiration rate, and lowering your heart rate. Blue has a calming effect on your body and it can wind up being the perfect choice for bedrooms, bathrooms, and anywhere else where you want to be able to relax. This is one of the most practical colors that you can choose.

It should be noted that dark blue paint seems to make people feel a bit melancholy. If you are looking to remain happy while being able to enjoy the calming effects, then going with a light blue paint is preferable. Soft warm shades such as turquoise or cerulean are highly recommended.


Yellow is another great color to consider using in many different spots in your home. This color can give you energy and make you feel uplifted. It helps people to feel happier overall and is perfect for helping a room to feel more welcoming. This is a common color that is used for kitchens, bathrooms, and dining rooms. It can also be very good for small spaces because it makes the area feel a bit larger than it really is.


Green has the distinction of being one of the best colors to help your eyes rest. It is going to combine many of the positive qualities of both blue and yellow together. When you want to make a room feel comfortable while still having a happy feeling, green is going to be a good choice. This is a great color for your living room.


Purple is somewhat similar to blue and will have similar effects on your mood. It is another good color for resting, but it may feel a bit more interesting than blue to some people. This is not a common color that is used as the primary color of a room, though. If you are using purple to accent certain things, then it may wind up working out better.


Orange is another color that you should consider when you want a room to be exciting. It helps you to feel enthusiastic and ready to get things done. This is a great choice for your home gym as it will keep you motivated to complete your workouts. It isn’t quite as powerful as red, but that may actually be a good thing.

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