Using Wall Color for your Office

Wall Colors for your office

Tips for Using Wall Color to Set the Tone for Your Office

Research has shown the impact that color has on productivity. It’s why the smartest business owners are deliberate in the colors they choose for their workspaces. It’s exciting to think that something as basic as paint can potentially influence your bottom line, but it’s not always clear just how to harness this unique tool. Here are some ideas to get started setting the tone of your office with wall color.
Consider the Main Use for The Space
Are employees primarily processing paperwork at desks, or taking calls in a tech lab? Do you want your employees to be motivated to move quickly or relaxed to think hard and make thorough decisions? Each is influenced by color. The intensity of a color influences whether a color is soothing or stimulating. Thinking about this helps direct you to a pastel, a primary or something in between based on your work goals.
Consider Color Combinations
Research has linked each color to different parts of the mind. The thought is that red affects the body, blue the mind, yellow self-confidence and green, the essential balance between the mind, the body and the emotions. Consider mixing colors to trigger multiple feelings. Buttercream wall color with a deep blue accent wall, for example, could stimulate emotions as well as mental acumen.
Build Themes
To create a feeling, build your decor around a color family. Earth tones, for instance, trigger feelings of stability, helping to create a welcoming atmosphere and promote good and lasting relationships. Try earthy terra cotta, brown, tan or gold for an office of sales or marketing professionals charged with building relationships, for instance.
Color is one of the most exciting, vibrant parts of our day. If you are looking to add color to your office, Painter Pro provides high-end painting, tailored to your specific needs. Contact us by calling 765-315-2273 or visit our website today!

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